August 2019 Truck Of The Year Entrants

Aug 21, 2019 0min read

We’ve had polar blasts and freezing weather in this last sluggish month of winter, but the Truck of the Year competition is anything but. Be sure to check out this month’s entrants!

For August, the monthly winner is Alpha Haulage, receiving $300 worth of Isuzu Trucks merchandise. Congratulations, Alpha Haulage! We’ve had a record number of entrants coming in for the 2019 Truck of the Year Competition, all excited and gunning for the grand prize of a $6,000 Visa cash card. So, what are you waiting for? Submit your Isuzu truck today! ALPHA HAULAGE This EXY 260-520 is one of the smaller trucks in Alpha Haulage’s heavyweight fleet but it doesn’t act like it. This beast of a truck carries 68 tonnes of dangerous goods every day of every week. With that kind of power mixed with the reliability of the Isuzu brand, Daniel Johnson is one proud owner of his Isuzu Giga. RIDGE ENGINEERING When it came to picking a truck, Brett Sparks saw sparks with Isuzu Trucks and no one else. For him, the list of reasons why he bought this NPR 45-155 Tradepack is long: massive payload and towing capacity for a light truck, flexibility of driving on a car licence, small enough to be parked in a car space, spaciousness for all the parts and lengths of steel needed for an engineering business, high levels of comfort and being an absolute dream to drive. That’s one happy customer! DAVIDSON CONTRACTING Isuzu Trucks are the experts at helping you multitask. This FRR 107-210 Tipper is not only the perfect tool to deliver and tip dirt, stones and other materials, it is also the perfect holder for a CAT excavator. This FRR travels down dirt roads, gravel and highways with the excavator on the back. Ewan Davidson loves it because the FRR is so well balanced that it barely makes a movement when unloading or loading the excavator. SUEZ Decked out in classic black and white, the FYJ 300-350 is a smooth beast and we know it, what with its auto transmission and sheer lifting power. And for Manpreet Singh, it was that shiny, silver badge on the front spelling ‘Isuzu’ that sealed the deal for him, as he knew he had scored himself the best truck in the business. THE FOOD HUT There are two things you must have to make a truck driver stop on their route for you: warm food and good coffee. Paul Vassallo bought this NPR 75-190 to turn it into The Food Hut, a destination on the Western Freeway (near Ballarat) where truck drivers can get good food and coffee while on their break. JOHN HOLLAND Many men ask themselves the age-old question: does size matter? Matt Sell asked himself the same question, and concluded that size does, in fact, matter. His well-sized FYX 350-350 is representative of this. It’s big enough to carry the machinery and tools required for the job, and still look great while doing it. THE DENNY FOUNDATION INC When doing good in the community, you have to make sure you’re driving a good truck too. That’s why Margaret from the Denny Foundation got the NLR 45-150 with a refrigerated body to help the organisation in delivering food to vulnerable families. The truck has a turning circle “to die for” (in Margaret’s words), room to sit three reasonably large people in the cabin and a motor that is easy to maintain. CUSTOM TREE SERVICES This tipper-ific NPR 200 has all the bells and whistles for Jaime Gannon’s business, Custom Tree Services. The rear has enough space to hold a tremendous amount of wood chips, as well as space for more tools and equipment. RENTSCH’S RURAL CONTRACTING Working its way into the Truck of the Year competition is Rentsch’s Rural Contracting with their Isuzu truck. For Alicia Rentsch, the truck’s towing capacity was a big selling point—needing to be large enough to tow heavy equipment around the countryside whilst still leaving room on the back. NORFIELD TRANSPORT One thing that Isuzu trucks don’t do is age, as David Vassallo from Norfield Transport knows. He’s had this NPR 400 since it was brand new, and it is now over four and a half years old with 343,000 kilometres clocked. Over the years, he’s slowly added more and more accessories, like the green lights and detailed paintwork on the body. AG HEIGHT SAFETY QUEENSLAND The eye-catching green livery on this FRR 110-240 is hard to ignore, which is why Tim Johns from AG Height Safety Queensland has all his trucks wrapped in the same way. The trucks are custom-built, designed to carry all their different types of height safety equipment, and perfect for travelling from Cairns to Sunshine Coast. For Tim, the truck makes a bold statement, and is the business’s very own toolboxes on wheels. If you’re driving an Isuzu, you might as well flaunt it. BIG KEN RENDERING Although this Isuzu NPR 45-155 Tradepack seems like a truck through and through, especially with its genuine Isuzu bullbar, Tradepack body and lime green detailing, it drives and feels like a car inside. Even with a large load, the truck goes smooth, with no hill too large for it to drive up. Kenneth Shaw loves the attention they get in their Isuzu truck, sometimes garnering a wave and a friendly beep from other passing motorists.

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