Aug 16, 2022 0min read

Vast amounts of research have been undertaken into the dangers of getting sleepy or distracted behind the wheel.   As we know fatigue on the road can indeed be a killer, causing up to a third of fatal road accidents in Australia.   One study by the Monash University Accident Research Centre found that fatigue was a contributing factor in 9.1 per cent of fatal accidents involving trucks in the state of Victoria.   Fatigue affects concentration and judgement and can slow your reaction time. Some of the obvious warning signs of fatigue are yawning, head nodding or drowsiness. Some other symptoms of fatigue can be a little less obvious, including:  

  • tired or sore eyes;  
  • feeling irritable;  
  • missing road signs or exits;  
  • having difficulty staying in your lane;  
  • blurred vision; 
  • seeing things; 
  • making mistakes; and 
  • inability to concentrate. 

The standard advice for avoiding fatigue while driving, especially long-haul driving is clear: start your trip well-rested, take regular breaks, exercise, stay hydrated and eat healthy food to avoid sugar and/or carb crashes.   This is part one of our list of lesser-known ways to stay alert on the road.


You’ve heard the saying that laughter is the best medicine.   Scientists have found that a good laugh can lift your spirits and induce positive physical changes in your body. Laughter releases the feel-good endorphins in your brain, relieves stress and aids muscle relaxation.   Listening to a funny podcast is one way to get giggly behind the wheel. There are hundreds of podcasts available, and many are free. Keep searching until you find the ones that tickle your funny bone.


Certain types of essential oils are shown to increase mental clarity and alertness and enhance concentration and energy levels. Peppermint, rosemary, sweet orange and lemon oils are considered the most energising, and some essential oil makers prepare blends to pep people up.  There are a variety of ways to use essential oils while driving. You can buy a portable diffuser that can plug into a USB outlet and sit on the dash or in a cup holder. There are even diffusers that clip onto air vents.  It’s also possible to buy essential oil rollers that allow you to apply stimulating scents to your wrists or temples to keep your synapses snapping.


Advances in technology have made driving much safer, with a range of driver assistance now available inside the cab of your truck. Advanced safety features that are now available include Advanced Engine Braking (AEB), Forward Collision Warning (FCW), Distance Warning System (DWS) and Lane Departure Warning (LDW).  There are also wearable safety devices, including headbands, wristbands and glasses.  Australian-based Optalert makes drowsiness detection glasses, which track the wearer’s blinks and determines a drowsiness score, which is then displayed on a tablet or screen inside the vehicle.  Another Australian anti-fatigue invention is a biometric headband that monitors EEG brain activity. The SmartCap technology is now owned by Wenco International Mining Systems, a wholly owned subsidiary of Hitachi Construction Machinery. A fatigue-shocking wristband to prevent drivers from falling asleep at the wheel was available for a few years after a 2017 Kickstarter campaign. The bracelet analysed the wearer’s heart rate to detect drowsiness.   Some anti-fatigue technology has been designed specifically for fleets. Guardian by Seeing Machines, a spin-out from the Australian National University, is a system with an in-cab sensor that tracks the driver’s head position, eye gaze and blinks to detect fatigue or distraction. If fatigue is detected, the driver’s seat will vibrate, and if needed, the fleet management team will be alerted.  Although these practices might relieve any feeling of grogginess for a while, they’re not a replacement for being properly rested. The best cure for fatigue is to sleep. Even a 15 or 20-minute power nap might be enough to restore your alertness. While you wait for Stay Alert to Stay Alive part two, take a few minutes to learn more about the Isuzu and Gotcha4Life’s awesome truck raffle. 

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