Truck warranty shouldn't make you worry

For anyone thinking about purchasing a truck, there are more than a few things to consider, particularly if you’re thinking about getting a truck new from a dealership.
Apart for the all-important checkbox of, ‘will it get the job done?’ determining how a new truck will benefit the business long-term is an important exercise. This is why calculating whole-of-life costs (otherwise known as total cost of ownership) is important for any truck, no matter the size of your operation.
According to recent industry data, 71 per cent of truck fleet managers and owners believe that whole-of-life cost is a more important metric than the initial sale price of their truck—a number that has significantly increased on previous years.
The warranty available on the truck and that’s going to cover you if things go south, is a key aspect within this.

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What’s standard?
A manufacturer’s warranty is meant to cover a failure of a major part or componentry, or workmanship flaws during manufacture. It typically doesn’t cover neglect or accidents.
Thanks to continued advancements in technology, contemporary trucks are of a higher quality and more robust than ever before. But despite the best of intentions or the latest technology, things can go pear-shaped at the least convenient moments.
This is where product warranty can have a huge positive or negative impact on your ownership experience—and noting that not all warranties are created equal.
The industry-best offer for trucks sold in Australia currently sits at a six-year factory warranty, and six years of 24/7 roadside assistance.
If you’re not receiving this kind of support, then it may be worth looking at more closely before your next truck purchase.

Points to think about
With a warranty covering your equipment for years down the track, it can carry big implications for the business.
There are some common points to consider for truck warranties, including…
- Value limits: whether there are limits (usually hours or kilometres) once a given timeframe or distance is reached, which can affect the cost of repairs or your vehicle’s time off-the-road.
- Warranty provisions: such as products used in maintenance that don’t match the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) provisions.
- Third-party handling: such as work conducted by mechanics or workshops outside of the OEM, which is particularly relevant to any extended warranties.
A valid point to consider is the reliability of different truck makes and models (whether that’s word of mouth or proven statistics), and how long you plan on owning it before you sell it. If you’re wanting to run a truck for a long time, it’s important to receive a warranty that matches your expectations.
If you’re considering an extended warranty (at extra cost), thinking about whether a truck’s extended warranty exceeds the cost of typical repairs, will help determine if it’s in your best interest to purchase beyond the standard manufacturer’s warranty.
Warranty periods and terms and conditions are also subject to factors such as the model type and application of the truck, such as if you’re taking it off-road or working in harsh conditions such as waste or concrete agitation.

Tying it together
The best outcome for any truck owner is to never have a warranty claim. But as the old saying goes, words are cheap, and actions are priceless!
Staying on top of truck service and maintenance is a sure way to keep equipment—and the business—running smoothly.
Tying in a watertight service and maintenance schedule with solid warranty terms can make a new truck all that more valuable to you, reducing your downtime to an absolute minimum.

Your truck manufacturer should have a range of options available that can be tailored to your business needs, such as prepaid or planned service schedules at locations convenient to you.
You might also consider the benefits that add-ons such as overnight servicing, loan vehicles, or extra coverage (such as glass protection for lots of highway driving) can offer your business.
The key takeaway here is to reduce your worry. A well-designed warranty should take the burden of any unexpected issues off your mind, and have you supported after the initial truck sale—letting you get down to the serious business of enjoying your new ride.
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